About WeConnect Global™

Simply stated, WeConnect Global™ is built on our insatiable desire to be second-to-none

Or in other famous words:  ‘We try Harder’

We try harder to deliver or find a solution. We try harder to help bring broadband infrastructure to rural America.

Whatever our partners can create, we’ll try harder to implement it.

It’s always been that way.

At WeConnect Global™ we build connections—in more ways than one. We show up every day to help implement world-class technology for our customers.

Technology, and “the internet of things,” has the incredible potential to bring the world into homes and businesses in ways some never dreamed of. But technology, by itself, means nothing. We have to be able to plan it, build it, connect it, and confirm it.

WeConnect Global™ builds ways to do just that. From nuts to bolts for wire, cable, fiber and satellite. From underground, to overhead. Across communities and across this vast nation. We’re wired to bring world class field services wherever and whenever it’s needed.

Our customers, our technology partners and our independent contractors know that WeConnect Global™ is as smart and nimble as the next great innovation requires.

  • Be All-In.To give 100%, the first thing you have to do is Show Up.
  • Roll Up Your Sleeves.Once you show up, you realize every day offers new opportunities, big or small, to exceed expectations. When we see opportunities, we take chances to make the most of them. We show we care by doing our part to grow ourselves and make WeConnect Global™ stronger.
  • Work Co-Operatively: Professional sports teams that consistently win national championships, know one thing. They are called teams for a reason. The ‘whole, is greater than the sum of its’ parts’. Passing a ball instead of taking a shot, using your defensive skills while on offense. Having confidence in your team members.
  • Drive Future Success.We’re here for the long haul. We keep our eyes on the road ahead and lead transformations as we adapt and work smarter in our ever-changing industry.

WeConnect Global,™ has been expanding for years— combining broadband field services organizations under one umbrella company.

Our founders, Tom Burgess and Brad Libby saw that we were stronger together. And we officially became one company, WeConnect Global™.

Tom and Brad’s story, however, and relentless pursuit of success began years before WeConnect Global™. It might have started with Brad selling pumpkins at age 6, or starting his first IT company in middle school. It might have begun in 1997 with Tom founding a fulfillment company for world-renowned brands in his 600-square-foot garage.  A turning point was Tom’s determination to expand the business for future opportunity. Anyone can clearly see Tom and Brad’s drive, and that for these two entrepreneurs, failure is not an option.

The point is, the path to WeConnect Global ™ wasn’t linear. Rather, it was built on sheer determination and confidence, on seeing opportunities and taking chances to make the most of them.

Today WeConnect Global ™ has executive offices in Lincoln, Maine, and Green Bay, Wisconsin, with field services in three distinct regions: West Coast, Mid-West and East Coast. We also operate warehouses and distribution centers in several states spread across the US.

Our nearly 500 employees see and make the most of opportunities to drive success for our partners, our company and their personal growth

Brad Libby is an owner and CEO of WeConnect Global.. He’s the very definition of driven, modeling for our team what it means to challenge the status quo and do whatever it takes to get the job done. With a background in and personal passion for creating code, he defines fun as taking on that next technology challenge or unraveling a complex problem. 

There has hardly been a time when Brad was not running a company, starting his first IT business in middle school. Over the course of his career, that deep appreciation for technology and problem-solving has transformed into an ability to develop implementation solutions for leading telecommunications partners. 

Before becoming CEO of WeConnect™, Brad was owner and CEO of WeConnect Enterprise Solutions and Motor Brain Consulting.

Brad received his bachelor of science in Finance from Bentley University in Waltham, Mass. He lives in Lincoln, Maine, his hometown and the location of one of WeConnect Global  executive offices. On any given day, however, you will find him wherever WeConnect is developing its next breakthrough solution in connecting next-generation technology.

Tom Burgess is Chairman of WeConnect Global™. Tom’s ability to build trusted, strategic partnerships is key to WeConnect Global™’s  future growth. It’s one of the primary reasons we’ve grown to where we are today, from operations in just one state to operations across the Midwest and on both coasts. With a keen sense for not only relationships but marketing, he is a driving force for the company’s culture and external reputation. 

Before becoming Chairman of WeConnect, Tom was owner and CEO of Alternative Entertainment, Inc. He founded his first company, Elevate97, formerly known as Fulfillnet, in 1997, which continues today providing fulfillment, print and environmental graphic design services for world-renowned retail brands.

Tom studied business and communication at the University of Wisconsin. He lives in Green Bay, Wisconsin, the location of one of WeConnect™’s executive offices.